Friday, June 13, 2014

Rafa anecdotes

I posted this in my facebook the day before June 12 (Independence Day)

Because there's no school tomorrow, I let the kids watch videos in youtube (under my supervision of course). And because Rafa was the one holding the phone, they used the voice search instead of typing keywords.

Rafa: Popstah.
Youtube: No matches found.
Rafa: Argh! (Then clicks "speak again" button) Popstah.
Youtube: No matches found.
Rafa: Ahhhhh!! Popstahhhhhhhhhh!
Youtube: No matches found.
Rafa: Ano ba naman kasi.
Gabbie: Me na, "popstar"

Then youtube listed down all the barbie popstar videos.

Gabbie: See?
Rafa: Arghhhh!

Posting the captured comments of some friends here as well.

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