"Mommy, look! The sky is moving!"
She couldn't believe it she stared at the sky open-mouthed for the next couple of minutes.
I asked Rafa to get something for me and I immediately followed my request with "Thank you."
She said, "No, don't say thank you muna."
When she handed it to me, she said, "Yan, you can say thank you now."
I told Rafa, "Pang, have I told you already...?"
"Told me what?"
"That you're so cute."
"I know."
I thought Rafa was biting Mack in the ear, so I told her to stop. But she said, "I'm not biting him. I'm just kissing my baby brother. And it's a trueeeee lovessss kiss!"
At least she"s not one of those who believe that true love's kiss only comes from princes or boys.